Although it is not our primary aim to develop tools, we do when necessary. Once we have the tools, why wouldn’t we share them with other researchers? Here are some of the tools and their applications we developed.
PHylogeny-Aware Computing of Tolerance (PHACT) is an algorithm that predicts the effects of amino acid substitutions in genes given phylogenetic trees and ancestral reconstruction probabilities.
Phylostat is a web-based tool that compares the divergence of two paralogous clades.
MiST 3
Microbial Signal Transduction Database 3.0 serves genomic signal transduction profiles of bacteria and arhaea.
Aquerium is designed to visualize the presence and absence of proteins defined based on their domain architectures accross taxonomically clustered organisms.
SAVER (NPC1 app)
Single Amino acid Variant EvaoluatoR (SAVER) is a computational algorithm that benefts from a proof of concept that is specifically designed to predict the effects of amino acid substitutions in NPC1 gene on protein function.
CDvist (Comprehensive Domain Visualization Tool) is designed to sensitively identify protein domains of a given primary protein sequence.